We talked about different emotions we might feel and we watched some videos that talk about how we can deal with bullying situations. One thing that we talked about as a class was that it is really important to be able to share how we are feeling (good or bad) because it means we can reach out for help if we need it.
The learn part of our challenge was to individually come up with at least one emotion for each letter of the alphabet. We listed these in an a-z activity in our language books so they were handed when we started to create. The a-z is also available here on our syndicate site. Then, to create we made word clouds in the shapes of emojis to present these emotions. The site is really easy to use and you can access it here - www.tagul.com.
Below are some examples of our creations, to find out more please check out our individual blogs where people share their own understanding behind the wordclouds.